Choosing the right net gun for deer capture

Choosing the right net gun for deer capture

Net guns are a versatile tool for capturing animals of all kinds, but not every net gun is right for every creature and every situation. A lot of our customers are looking to catch deer. If that’s you, there are some things you should look out for.

Gun Quality

The first thing to think about is whether your chosen net gun is rated for the size and strength of the animal you want to catch. For something as large as a deer, you need a robust and reliable unit with a reasonable range. Smaller net guns powered by compressed air are not suitable.

Net type

The next thing to consider is the net. It needs to be strong enough to contain a panicked deer. It also needs to have a wide enough mesh to entangle the animal and prevent it from moving. We consider both elements when putting a net gun order together.

Capture situation

Another important factor is the situation the net gun will be used in. Helicopters are often used for deer capture – in New Zealand, net guns were developed for this type of work. However, deer capture using a net gun without a helicopter can also be very effective with the right unit.

Helicopter capture

One of the most common ways to capture deer and other fast-moving herd animals is to follow them in a helicopter, use a net gun to fire a net over them, and then use the helicopter to pick them up.

A hand-held net gun is a good fit for this type of work because it’s designed for easy targeting. It’s also compact enough to use comfortably from a small cockpit. Many hand-held net guns can be used for helicopter capture. However, the Ace breakaway net gun is the unit we recommend because we designed it specifically for greater efficiency. This unit reloads in seconds, so you’re always ready to take a shot. This helps you increase the number of deer caught per flight hour which reduces your time in the air and improves your return on investment.

If you’re a dedicated solo operator, we usually recommend a high-powered skid-mounted net gun that fires from a helicopter joystick. We designed this unit for specialists who fly alone and don’t have a shooter who can use a hand-held net gun.

Capture on the ground

Many of our customers don’t have access to a helicopter, or they need to capture a specific individual deer. If that’s you, you can do very well with a suspended net gun. It simply hangs on a rope strung between two trees or poles. The net can be fired by any deer when it takes a nibble at a baited trigger. Alternatively, individual deer within a herd can be targeted by a hidden operator, using manual or radio-controlled firing. Because the net in a suspended unit is large and only has to travel two or three meters, it’s ideal for ensuring you get a catch every time you fire.

One specific advantage offered by a suspended net gun is the ability to capture deer at a distance. Our customers often find they get a good result by finding an observation spot that allows them to see the unit with binoculars and fire it remotely. Because they’re a long way from the net gun, the deer can’t be spooked by a human presence. One of our customers delivers veterinary treatment to deer and this is his preferred method of making sure he captures the right animal.

Regardless of your situation, if you’re capturing deer a net gun is likely to be a useful tool. If you let us know your specific situation, we’d be delighted to discuss some options that might suit your needs.